Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What do you say we play a little game?
                Let’s pretend that we are all “God Incarnate”. You know, God Himself, it doesn’t matter if you believe in him because this is just an exercise of the mind. I want you to pretend that you are him with all the omnipotence of perfection. Now stop for a second and think about the implications of that word omnipotence in connection with perfection. You are king of the hill, world champ, oops there is no world yet, in fact there is no hill either there is just you. Hmmm, interesting but not very much fun, I mean, what is the point of being omnipotent if there is no way to demonstrate it, nothing in fact to climb or conquer and nobody to care if you do. But, you can do anything you want, make anything you want and there is nobody or anything that can stop you and you know without a doubt you are always right because there is nobody else around, as far as you know, to dispute with .
                So, what are you going to do? Hmmmm, Let me see. First let’s find out if I am alone. 

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