Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Age Old Question
here are at least three “Age Old Questions” that I have heard bantered around. The first is “What is the purpose of Life?” The second, much the same “What is the meaning of Life?” and the third and in my mind more to the point “Is there a God?”

ight off the bat I would venture to say that the answer to the first question is, ”To die”. I mean; let’s face it, we are born, we live for maybe sixty to eighty years and then we die. Nobody gets out of here alive! Not even Jesus Christ. True, Jesus is said to have been resurrected and now abides in Heaven at the right hand of our Father, but, he still had to die first. All other persons who have been resurrected in the bible were brought back to Earth only to die again. So it seems to me that we live to die.
nderstandably this brings in the next big lament. What is the meaning of Life? Knowing our eventuality is death I find this to be a very sensible query because even though we are not the longest living entity on the planet we do have the biggest impact on our surroundings except when compared to natural disasters and even that can be debated. Conversely, we can also have the most beneficial impact. Unfortunately this is usually when we want something.
his then brings me to the third question, “Is there a God?“. As I mentioned earlier, I believe this to be the most pertinent of the three. I have heard many people say “If there is a God why does he let children die, murders happen, starvation, plagues etc. etc. and on and on and I say yes. He is letting them happen because he is allowing us to see the results of a life without him, and it all stems back to his very first gift to mankind and that quite simply is life itself. He hasn’t offered us life, he has GIVEN us life. Life to experience and, unfortunately you might think, death to experience.
However, as in the first two portions of the trial, mankind is falling short. We think that the onus for this situation is for us to prove good enough for heaven when in truth the real question that is being answered here is whether we believe Jehovah’s Word or not . In order to answer that we have to know the difference between life and death. That is why we have to die first. You can’t answer a question without all the pertinent data. Can you? In order to do this you need the TRUTH.

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